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  • 5 quilts
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September 15, 2023
irish chain finish from Making A Lather

Triple irish chain is now a finished UFO quilt from my 5 quilt project. I started this in 2012. The top just needed borders in 2017, and, then, has waited it's turn on the longarm. I really like 30's prints and colors. I think that is what drew me back into quilting. Around here, 30s quilts were mostly what we could find at antique stores.  When I was a young quilter, I admired the work and dedication to make quilts during such a difficult time period.

84 x104 = 24 yards

I used a wide flannel backing and swirls ...

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September 12, 2023
spoolin around progress from Making A Lather

All of the spool blocks are restitched, and, I am ready to officially begin the assembly of the quilt. This is an exciting part of quilting. Making an on point quilt one row at a time, is very satisfying....until the center haha. There is seam matching every three inches.

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September 8, 2023
wrangled a finish from Making A Lather

Rectangle wrangle is finished. I brought it out of the ufo closet in May 2023. I made progress through out the year. I started assembly in July. It was a top in August. I love how it looks and feels. Shirt fabrics are very forgiving, and, so fun to use. Only a few of hubby's old shirts are in this one. The rest are recycled form thrift stores. I see more light than I was expecting while I was making this. I guess that is the magic of using shirt fabrics.

90 x 102 = 27 yards

Rectangle wrangle is ...

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September 6, 2023
little bits from Making A Lather

I am just making bits and bobbles while I work on my spools quilt.

9 patch on point - top
monkey wrench - bottom

lil beauty baskets - top
4 patches for strip tease - bottom

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September 4, 2023
uneven 9 patch progress from Making A Lather

 I have the main part of the uneven nine patch leftovers sewn together.

blocks from a swap and quilt here )  I am ready for borders. 

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August 28, 2023
more spoolin around from Making A Lather

2 weeks ago, I opened the spoolin around leader/ ender ufo from 2013. I discovered that some of the blocks were not pieced right.

first, I took the halves apart, so, I could just switch the direction of the spools, but, then, I realized, that the individual spools needed work too. I took them all apart down to individual spools again. I made these 10 years ago, and, my skills were not as good as they are now. I knew I could do better, and, I did.

Now, that they are blocks, again, I can begin to make rows.

I ...

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August 25, 2023
hand me down finish from Making A Lather

Hand me down is finished. This is an older UFo from 2018. I found this pattern in the first Bonnie Hunter book scraps and shirttails. I brought this out of the UFO closet in March of this year, and, it was a top in April. I love this quilt. It is more colorful than it appears on camera. It is made with recycled shirts and a blue from my stash. It was part of my 5 quilts project, but, was late making it to the longarm.

90 x 90 - 21 yards

I quilted it with swirls on the longarm and ...

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August 24, 2023
uneven nine patch from Making A Lather

 I needed to cut a bunch of 4 1/2 inch squares ( blocks from a swap and quilt here ) for the rest of the uneven 9 patches I have left. I was able to see a size of quilt that I would want with some of them. I think I want it longer, as far as I can, with what I have left of the blocks. I have been able to use up smaller pieces of cream scraps for the 4 1/2 inch alternate blocks. It feels good to clean up a stack of odd pieces.

one of my ...

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August 18, 2023
spoolin around from Making A Lather

spoolin around was the second quiltville leader/ ender challenge in 2013. I was excited when I opened the ufo box, to see I had all the spool blocks (648) in blocks of 4, ready to assemble. But, oh wait, many of them were put together wrong. It matters if the blocks are all arranged the same LOL. I can't move on with this project unless, I take them all apart. I am having fun revisiting all these scraps from a few years ago. I did put together a few of the short rows with the correct blocks. I think ...

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August 16, 2023
5 quilts report August 14, 2023 from Making A Lather

last report July 19,2023

I try to work on these 5 quilts until they are done. Their turn in the UFO closet is over, and, they need to be finished one way or another. 

There has been some rotation of projects as I have finally finished a few. I look forward to new Ufos that have come out to play with me.

1. wensleydale a jen kingwell pattern - twosies have turned into foursies. I have not taken this quilt out to social sewing. I feel it requires more focus. But, it takes longer.

2. Block of the month UFO ...

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August 9, 2023
uneven 9 patch project from Making A Lather

I have a bunch (scientific term) of leftover blocks from a swap and circa 1880 quilt here. It is time to stop moving them around, and, do something with them. The blocks are 4 1/2 inches. I cut a variety of 4 1/2 inch creams, and, started sewing them at a guild open sew. This is as far as I got. I still have a pile of squares that need trimmed, and, it might be enough to make a good size quilt. So, more trimming and cutting, and then, we can resume the regularly scheduled program. I am ...

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August 2, 2023
goal - hand me down quilt from Making A Lather

I finished one of my 5 quilts a little bit ago, but, couldn't get it on the longarm. I think it is time to dig it out again, and, finish it for August's one monthly goal.

hand me down blocks

hand me down border

I  am linking to:

oh scrap

one monthly goal

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July 19, 2023
5 quilts July 19, 2023 from Making A Lather

 last report june 23, 2023

I try to work on these 5 quilts until they are done. Their turn in the UFO closet is over, and, they need to be finished one way or another. I decided that for 2023, rather than work a little on each one at a time, I would concentrate on just one. I still use the list to plan and look ahead. 

I feel like I have cheated on the 5 quilts, and, dabbled too much with new shiny projects. I played with my hsts drawer for sugar grove, I played with fractured squares ...

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June 30, 2023
baby quilt finish from Making A Lather

I have a finish for Friday. My trip a around the world baby quilt for charity is quilted and bound. I taught a workshop for this quilt for my guild.

45 x 64 = 12 yards

 I used a flannel piece for the back with free motion swirly bubbles

I am linking to:

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June 23, 2023
5 quilts june 23, 2023 from Making A Lather

 last report May 29 2023

I try to work on these 5 quilts until they are done. Their turn in the UFO closet is over, and, they need to be finished one way or another. I decided that for 2023, rather than work a little on each one at a time, I would concentrate on just one. I still use the list to plan and look ahead. 

I have made more progress than I thought I had this last month on my 5 quilts. Progress seems small, as there are so many steps to each one, and I may ...

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June 16, 2023
assembling saturday soire from Making A Lather

I went with quilty friends to an open sew, and, began putting pieces together for my Block of the month UFO Saturday soire. 

It was great to have room to lay it out on the floor.

I realized here that I had turned a row. It didn't matter if the center blocks were wrong, but, I had the ending pieces wrong.  Which, also meant, the sashing was on the wrong side. The easiest way to fix it was remove the sashing row, switch the ends and keep the blocks wrong. But, it was nearly time to go home after ...

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June 3, 2023
june one monthly goal from Making A Lather

I have had Saturday soire BOM on my 5 quilts list for most of the year. The blocks were done, previously, and ALL I had to do was finish the top and assemble it to finish it. It has been a bigger project than I anticipated. I found 3 setting kits as part of the block of the month. My one monthly goal for June is to finish it, quilted and bound.

I have  kit 1 finished, and I have the 2nd kit in progress. I think I can start the assembly, 

row 1

June is garden season, not ...

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June 2, 2023
a cleaning finish from Making A Lather

My April goal was to clean the sewing room floor which took until middle May to finish. A by product of that cleaning, was to clean the cutting table, too. This is a Friday finish with great benefit. 

It went from this....


to this...


By cleaning this, my scrap management just improved. And, I am working diligently on my ironing room in May ( and probably June) When I run into a stack of mess, I have this lovely table to sort and cut. yipee. I have been very careful to clean it every night, to keep it that ...

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Scrap box chevron finish from Making A Lather

I finished scrap box chevron in the nick of time for my one monthly goal for May. I put the last stitches in the binding yesterday. I had a few customer quilts that took priority this month, and, I wasn't sure I could make it. I started it in 2013 and it was ready to quilt in 2014. Yes, it has waited that long to be quilted. Many of my quilts that stall at the quilting stage are there because I am not a fancy quilter. I think I save them to do the new modern fancy stuff, but ...

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May 29, 2023
5 quilts May 29, 2023 from Making A Lather

 last report April 28, 2023

I try to work on these 5 quilts until they are done. Their turn in the UFO closet is over, and, they need to be finished one way or another. I decided that for 2023, rather than work a little on each one at a time, I would concentrate on just one. I still use the list to plan and look ahead. 

Ok, confession, I have not stuck to my 5 quilts very well, I have continued to work on them, but my resolve to stick to them only has not worked. I have ...

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